Anti Bird Nets in yousufguda
Birds are a very common sight in big cities. These birds include crows, pigeons, sparrows and other birds of the same family. Wherever birds are there, bird nests and bird droppings are close by. These birds are on the constant lookout for a safe spot to build their nests and lay their eggs. These nests are built in small spaces which are protected by shelter from various weather phenomenon. Along with it, these nests are built very close to food sources. Given the circumstances and the requirements to build a nest, the most common places are old buildings, air vents, ducts, balconies, heritage sites, residential or apartment complexes and commercial buildings.
Once a safe spot is chosen by the bird, a great amount of effort and time is spent in finding the right materials to build their nests. The most common way to find these materials by the destruction of their surroundings. This results in a great deal of physical damage. The usual targets are roof tiles, concrete, wires or cables, insulators and any sort of fabrics. Birds usually steal clothes left out to dry in an effort to build a comfortable nest to lay the eggs and raise their young.
The real problem starts after the nest is built. Some of the major problems are listed below
- Bird Droppings:
Bird droppings are the most common sight in a big city infected with birds. These bird droppings give out a very foul smell which is unbearable and quickly spreads throughout the building. These bird droppings are extremely hard to clean and are the source of multiple communicable diseases. These are considered to be extremely dangerous to people especially young children and old people who do not have a strong immune system. We can prevent this from happening is by buying anti-bird nets.
- Diseases: Birds are universally known to be carriers of hundreds of types of parasites, bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms. These minute creatures are the source of many infectious diseases. During a pandemic time like this, extra precaution has to be taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved. The easiest way to do this is by installing Anti-Bird nets.
- Noise: It is a common knowledge that birds are loud and noisy. These birds are a nuisance to the entire community and are constantly disrupting the peace and quiet. It is far worse if there is a new born baby in the house or the society. The smallest noise could wake the baby up and cause huge amounts of trouble. The simple solution to this problem is the installation of anti-bird nets.
- Aggressive Behaviour: Animals and birds are very instinctive. The show aggressive behaviour when they are threatened. This aggressive behaviour increases exponentially when their young is considered. Once the eggs are laid, birds are territorial and display aggressive behaviour in an attempt to protect their nest and young. Numerous reports show bird attacks are very common in large cities. We can prevent this attack by using anti-bird nets.